Wendy Walsh
Wendy Walsh - Consultant
Headshot of Wendy Walsh
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Program Evaluation

For the past 20 years, I have conducted numerous program evaluations of child abuse prevention, intervention, and family support programs. I specialize in evaluating multidisciplinary responses to victimization, including Children’s Advocacy Centers. Other projects include improving the system response to emerging types of victimization and improving the response to victimization in rural areas. Recently, I evaluated the National TeleNursing Center, a pilot project in six locations across the country to use telemedicine to bring quality forensic medical examinations to adolescent and adult victims of sexual assault in rural, tribal, military, and underserved areas.  I also work part time as a Research Associate Professor at the Crimes against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire.

Granite State Children's Alliance
Reference Name
Joy Barrett
(603) 864-0220
Bedford, NH
Description of Work Done
I worked with the Granite State Children's Alliance to translate findings from my research study in NH to help inform their educational campaign called Know & Tell. This study was the first study in thirty years to assess public knowledge of child abuse reporting. The goal of the Know & Tell campaign is inform residents of NH of ways to identify abuse and to give them tools to report their concerns to authorities. I also worked with the Alliance as part of their workgroup on Specialized Medical Services for Child Abuse. I attended monthly meetings and participated in discussions to improve medical services for child abuse victims in NH.
MA Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program
Reference Name
Joan Meunier-Sham
(781) 718-9107
Newton, MA
Description of Work Done
I was a primary evaluator for the National TeleNursing Center, which is part of the MA SANE Program. This 5 million dollar pilot program was funded by the Office for Victims of Crime in 2012. The project used telemedicine technology to care for adolescent and adult victims of acute sexual assault. This pilot project served six hospitals in three states, including underserved areas such as rural areas, military hospitals, and a Native American tribal reservation. I collaborated with Dr. Theodore P. Cross at the University of Illinois to conduct a mixed-method program evaluation of training initiatives, the telenursing experience and the impact of providing telemedicine services to underserved communities.